Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Creating my Dinosaur (Part 2)

Once I was happy with the optimization for my dinosaur, I went on to unify the skin, and when I finished that, I made my zsphere sculpt into a 3D polymesh, so I could then start adding the detail to make it into the dinosaur I want.

Afterwards I moved the wall into the background to get an idea of how I wanted how my sculpture to look, I went for a half in the wall design. I managed to smooth things out, however in a group crit, I was told in would be better if I turned the head into a separate subtool. 

I decided to keep another save file of when I first polymeshed my design so if I had any troubles and couldn't undo them, I would start from here.

I used the head from my previous save file as a starting point, saved it as a subtool, then imported it onto my current file.  After that I chopped off the back of the neck, and then used the move tool to create the mouth. After that I used the claybuildup tool to get the basic shape and main features of the face, such as the horns, ears, and eyes.  Next up I Zremeshed the piece and subdivided it.

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